Senyum Simpul :)

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Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
Kadang-kadang moody, kadang-kadang happy. Banyak cakap, takut orang tak suka. Banyak ketawa, takut kata gila. Kurang makan, takut kata kurang siuman. Hidup bagus-bagus, kawin laki kaya. Mak suka, keluarga bahagia. Tak cukup duit, mintak sama laki. Tak cukup kasih sayang, pergi mati :D

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08 October 2010

Rules & Regulation :
firstly , if you've been tagged , you must write your answer in your own blog and replace any question that you dislike with a new , original question .
secondly , tag eight people .
don't refuse to do that , don't tag who tagged you .

1 . who sleeps in bed next to you ?
NORSYAHFIANA ABDUL RAZAK merangkap along saya di sini :)

2 . have you ever lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend to get out of something ?
sure!haha, but not now la, =.="

3 . what kind of kuih raya did you make ?
chokolet chips! tp tu..2 years before..em, 3yrs b4 kot?
ntah =.="

4 . best day of the week ?
last night :D khamis, 11.00mlm. :D
celebr8 birthday NORASIAH SALLEH merangkap angah di sini :)

5. what's really creepy ?
riang-riang!!!!!! ~~~~

6. whats your current fandom/obsession/addiction ?
facebook, shawl, beg =.="
girls thingy la u olls ni...hahah

7 . what are the color of your baju raya ?
pink+purple, red, hijau lumut . haa, cukup kau? xD

8 . what did u eat for break fast today ?
biskut meri :D
the more the merrier kan? :P

9. what is your aim for this raya ?
cut soalan ni ye, raya dah habis :D

10 . what was the last things you bought ?
wedges rayee :D

11. what was the cuttest thing you've seen recently ?
kucing hidung hitam :DD

12 . does the cute thing affect your mood ?
rase ceriaaaa, :P

13. what is your zodiac sign ?
Cancer~ RAWRRR!! haha :D gila!

14 . do you want to learn other skills ?
nak belajar menjahit... :)

15 . 5 things you can't live without ?
budak2 teknik tpg, teknik ipoh, tmgs dan semua2 la..

16 . if you could meet anyone now , who would you meet ?
Mohd Hapiz Al-Banjari
*haa, search facebook cepat! :DD

17 . what's somethings you'd to say to someone right now ?
mak, doakan saya...saya risau sangat..saya perlukan mak....:'((

18 . what are you looking forward to ?
PSPM and..em..PSPM kot? lepas tu ..PSPM..haaa, MUET! :DD

19 . say something to the person who tagged you .
guwa jumpe kat belog sape ntah..guwa cilok je lahh

20. guwa TAG:
6.sape2 yg rajin :D

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