Mom is the best creation. I love her more than everything would do. Even if it cost me life just to have her. I will. Certainly. Mom, YOU ARE THE COOLEST! Know why? Because im your big fans! HAHA ;D
Mommah and Jejarah |
- Salbiah binti Bakar
- 55 yrs old but looks like 40 :P
Kalau aku nangis2 call mak, mak cool je. " Kenapa ni? Ce cte kat mak". Emh, aku ni je tak reti nak study sungguh2. Hemppp. Tapi mak punye pujuk tu cliche sanget :p "Fokes study dulu, yang lain takyah pikior lagi". :D
Plus2! Mak tak pernah nak susahkan orang lain even she meets an end for something. Bila dah tak boleh nak buat ape pun dia still not depending on others. Mak lah yang paling GAGAH!
Entry ni supposed to be REAL LONG tapi pengaruh Facebook terlalu kuat. :'((
COOL HUH? Family without me. Baby tu Jejarah. :D |
saya pon syg mak saya ! :D